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    Join the NMVS

    Procedure to complete the contract between MAHs and SMVS GmbH


    • Please download the sample cooperation agreements in advance. Note that only the German version is legally binding.

    Sample Cooperation Agreement between MAH and SMVS GmbH (DE)
    Sample Cooperation Agreement between MAH and SMVS GmbH (EN) - non binding translation

    • To request the signed cooperation agreement please click on the green button:

    • SMVS GmbH will send you two signed copies of the contract based on the data provided.
    • After returning a signed copy to SMVS GmbH, you will receive further information through the defined Single Point of Contact (SPOC) of your company.

    Update legal situation

    On 26.9.2023, the Federal Parliament passed the motion of Council of States member Erich Ettlin 22.3859 "Master plan for digital transformation in healthcare. Use of legal standards and existing data".


    registration en 
